NORMA Group does not plan any significant changes to its corporate objectives and strategy. A detailed description of the strategic objectives can be found in the ANNUAL REPORT 2023.

In order to reduce complexity, NORMA Group has optimized its forecast in terms of its components. The new, much clearer forecast was announced with the publication of the 2023 Annual Report on March 26, 2024. Since 2024, only the financial and non-financial key figures relevant for management are used and presented for the respective fiscal year.

NORMA Group’s key financial performance indicators include Group sales, adjusted EBIT, respectively adjusted EBIT margin, and net operating cash flow. These indicators also lead into the so-called NORMA Value Added (NOVA) as a key strategic target. CO2 emissions have been a key non-financial performance indicator since the 2023 fiscal year, and since 2020 they have also represented a target within the Management Board remuneration to determine part of the long-term Management Board remuneration (ESG-LTI).

Based on the trend forecasts in the customer industries and markets relevant to NORMA Group, the Management Board expects that the key performance indicators in the 2024 fiscal year will develop as most recently communicated in the 2023 Annual Report and confirmed in the Interim Statement for the first quarter of 2024. The Management Board’s expectations regarding the development of the key financial performance indicators and CO2 emissions in the 2024 fiscal year are shown in the table below.

Forecast for Fiscal Year 2024


This forecast was made on the assumption that no further significant negative effects will occur worldwide in the course of 2024, for example in connection with geopolitical risks that could lead to significant pressure on NORMA Group’s business development.


These contents are part of the Non-financial Group Report and were subject to a separate limited assurance examination.