Key financial performance indicators
The key financial performance indicators of NORMA Group include the following value and growth-oriented indicators, which have a direct impact on NORMA Group’s value creation: Group sales, adjusted EBIT margin and net operating cash flow. These indicators lead to the so-called NORMA Value Added (NOVA) as a central strategic target figure. NORMA Group uses these indicators to continuously review its successes in terms of growth, profitability, liquidity and capital efficiency. The development of the financial performance indicators in the first half of 2024 that are important for the steering of the Group is shown in the following table.
Financial Control Parameters | T007 | ||
H1 2024 | H1 2023 | ||
Group sales | EUR million | 614.8 | 639.0 |
Adjusted EBIT 1 | EUR million | 51.8 | 49.7 |
Adjusted EBIT margin 1 | % | 8.4 | 7.8 |
Net operating cash flow | EUR million | 41.2 | -12.9 |
NORMA Value Added | EUR million | -17.6 | -15.5 |
1_Adjusted only for acquisition-related costs. |
These contents are part of the Non-financial Group Report and were subject to a separate limited assurance examination.