Compliance with applicable environmental protection regulations and the avoidance of environmental risks are a high priority for NORMA Group. The Company follows international standards and guidelines in this regard. Since the 2023 fiscal year, only CO2 emissions, which have also been a target for determining part of the long-term compensation of the Management Board (ESG-LTI) since 2020, are considered a key non-financial performance indicator.

Non-Financial Control Parameter


H1 2024

H1 2023

t CO2e



1_Since 2020, CO2 emissions have been a target for determining part of the long-term remuneration of the Executive Board.

2_The CO2 emissions that form the basis for calculating the ESG LTI in connection with Executive Board remuneration are reported in accordance with the GHG Protocol (market-based, Scope 1 and Scope 2). Scope 1 only includes emissions from natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas and Scope 2 emissions from purchased electricity and district heating. When recording emissions, only emissions relating to the production sites are taken into account. Since January 2022, NORMA Group has purchased electricity from renewable energy sources at all production sites. NORMA Group purchases ‘Energy Attribute Certificates’ for this purpose. These are also included in the target value.


These contents are part of the Non-financial Group Report and were subject to a separate limited assurance examination.