On May 16, 2024, the Annual General Meeting of NORMA Group SE took place in Frankfurt am Main as an in-person event. In total, around 79% of the registered share capital of NORMA Group SE was represented. This number includes postal votes.

The Annual General Meeting of NORMA Group voted with a majority of around 99.8% in favor of the proposal of the Supervisory Board and Management Board to pay a dividend of 45 cents per share. The total distribution amount comes to around EUR 14.3 million (2023: EUR 17.5 million). This results in a payout ratio of 32.7% of the adjusted consolidated net profit in the 2023 fiscal year of EUR 43.9 million. NORMA Group's dividend strategy provides for a payout ratio of 30 to 35 percent of the adjusted consolidated net profit.

Furthermore, the Annual General Meeting approved by a large majority a new remuneration system for the Management Board, which the Supervisory Board had decided on in March 2024. The system promotes sustainable value creation and thus the long-term success of NORMA Group. In accordance with the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code, remuneration consists of fixed remuneration and variable components. Part of the variable remuneration depends on the achievement of sustainability targets such as reducing CO2 emissions in production.

The shareholders also approved all other agenda items with large majorities at the 2024 Annual General Meeting. These included the regular election of Mark Wilhelms, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, as a member of the Supervisory Board.

All voting results can be found in the Investor Relations section of the NORMA Group website WWW.NORMAGROUP.COM

Key Figures for NORMA Group Shares


H1 2024










1_Xetra price.


These contents are part of the Non-financial Group Report and were subject to a separate limited assurance examination.