Remuneration Report 2023
This Remuneration Report describes the basic principles of the remuneration system for the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of NORMA Group SE. It provides information on the remuneration granted and owed in fiscal year 2023 on an individualized basis and broken down into components. The report complies with the requirements of the German Stock Corporation Act (Section 162). In addition, the Remuneration Report contains an individualized breakdown by components of the remuneration of former members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board.
The Supervisory Board of NORMA Group SE acknowledged that the approval of the Remuneration Report on the remuneration individually granted and owed to the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of NORMA Group SE in fiscal year 2022 for fiscal year 2022 at the Annual General Meeting on May 11, 2023, turned out to be very good with 92.28% of the votes cast. The structure and nature and scope of the content of this remuneration report therefore remain unchanged compared to the previous year.
Review of fiscal year 2023
The fiscal year 2023 was characterized by a persistently challenging environment due to polycrises. The dominant issues included the ongoing war in Ukraine, numerous geopolitical tensions and a largely tight interest rate policy by central banks. The somewhat weaker but still high price level in many areas and periodically weaker demand due to the economic situation also had a negative impact on the markets and companies. In this environment, NORMA Group's consolidated sales amounted to EUR 1,222.8 million, down 1.6% on the previous year. Adjusted EBIT also fell slightly by 1.5% to EUR 97.5 million. As in the previous year, the adjusted EBIT margin was 8.0% (2022: 8.0%).
Personnel changes on the Management Board
In fiscal year 2023, the following changes were made to the Management Board of NORMA Group SE:
Following the departure of Dr. Michael Schneider on December 31, 2022, Miguel Ángel López Borrego, a member of the Supervisory Board, initially took over the position of CEO on an interim basis during the period from January 1, 2023 to May 31, 2023, until a permanent replacement was appointed. His function as a member of the Supervisory Board was suspended during this period. Further details on this transition phase can be found in the REPORT OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD. Effective June 1, 2023, Guido Grandi joined the Management Board of NORMA Group SE and took over as Chairman of the Management Board. Dr. Daniel Heymann had already joined the Management Board of NORMA Group SE as COO on May 1, 2023, taking over from Dr. Friedrich Klein. Dr. Friedrich Klein's Management Board contract ended at his own request and on amicable terms on April 30, 2023.
As a result, the Management Board of NORMA Group SE had the following three members at the end of fiscal year 2023: Guido Grandi (CEO), Dr. Daniel Heymann (COO) and Annette Stieve (CFO).
Remuneration system for Management Board members
In accordance with the recommendation of the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC) in the current version of April 28, 2022, the Supervisory Board has decided on a clear and understandable system for the remuneration of the members of the Management Board, on the basis of which the specific remuneration of the individual
members of the Management Board is determined. The remuneration system is to be designed to promote sustainable, long-term value creation and the implementation of the business strategy.
The Remuneration Report is based on the remuneration system approved at the virtual Annual General Meeting on June 30, 2020, with a majority of 99.80% of the votes in accordance with Section 120a (1) AktG. A more detailed description of the remuneration system for the members of the Management Board applicable to fiscal year 2023 is available on the website. REMUNERATION SYSTEM
The remuneration system was comprehensively reviewed by the Supervisory Board of NORMA Group SE in fiscal year 2023. As a result, there was no necessity to adjust the remuneration system in place since 2020, meaning that the existing system could be retained in 2023. At the same time, the Supervisory Board addressed the main features of the remuneration system in the past fiscal year, based on the legally required rotation. In this context, in accordance with Section 120a (1) sentence 1 AktG, it is obliged to review the remuneration system for the members of the Management Board and present it to the Annual General Meeting for approval at least every four years. The next regular date in this regard relates to the Annual General Meeting in 2024. A new remuneration system will be presented in this context. The Company will provide further information on this in the invitation to the Annual General Meeting, which will be published in the Federal Gazette.
The remuneration system consists of fixed and variable remuneration components. The fixed non-performance related remuneration consists of the fixed annual salary, the company pension scheme and fringe benefits. The variable, performance-based remuneration consists of the Short-Term Incentive (STI) and the Long-Term Incentive (LTI). The LTI consists of the NOVA-LTI and the ESG-LTI. Another key component of the remuneration system is the obligation to purchase and hold shares. This obliges the members of the Management Board to hold a significant number of shares in NORMA Group that is very high by market comparison. The goal of the share purchase and share retention obligation is to align the actions of the members of the Management Board more closely with the Company’s creation of added value. FIGURE G037: COMPONENTS OF THE REMUNERATION SYSTEM illustrates the components of the remuneration system.

The following key points of the remuneration system are to be emphasized in particular:
•The components of the variable remuneration (Short-Term Incentive and Long-Term Incentive) are based on the results that are actually achieved, transparently comprehensible and audited.
•On the one hand, the Short-Term Incentive (STI) is dependent on an absolute performance factor, EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) adjusted for acquisition effects of NORMA Group. On the other hand, the STI depends on a relative performance factor (relative Total Shareholder Return (TSR)). For the TSR of NORMA Group SE, a comparison is made with the TSR of a previously defined group of 15 listed companies that is explained below. Depending on NORMA Group SE’s ranking within the comparison group, the payment amount from the STI increases or decreases by up to 20%. The minimum payment is EUR 0 and the maximum payment is limited to 180% of the fixed annual salary.
•The Long-Term Incentive (LTI) is broken down into two components:
◦The first incentivizes the entrepreneurial success of NORMA Group and corresponds to a share of the adjusted EBIT above the cost of capital after taxes (NORMA-Value-Added-LTI, NOVA-LTI for short). The minimum payment is EUR 0 and the maximum payment is limited to 200% of the fixed annual salary.
◦The second part of the LTI incentivizes the sustainable development of NORMA Group by meeting measurable sustainability goals, e.g. the reduction of CO2 emissions (Environment, Social and Governance-LTI, ESG-LTI for short) with a maximum amount of 20% of the fixed annual salary). The minimum payment is EUR 0 and the maximum payment is limited to 20% of the fixed annual salary.
•With the comprehensive obligation to purchase and hold shares, NORMA Group SE follows the recommendation of the German Corporate Governance Code. The members of the Management Board must invest 75% of the payout amount from the NOVA-LTI and 100% of the payout amount from the ESG-LTI in shares of NORMA Group SE. The Company is free to settle the payment amount in whole or in part in shares of NORMA Group SE. As a result, more than 50% of the payout target amount of the variable remuneration is either invested by the members of the Management Board in shares of NORMA Group SE or granted by NORMA Group SE on a share basis. However, if no bonus is paid out, there is no obligation to purchase shares. The NOVA-LTI includes a four-year share ownership obligation. The ESG-LTI is four years forward and provides for a one-year retention period.
•The Supervisory Board sets the binding performance criteria for the STI and the LTI. The Supervisory Board sets the targets for the ESG-LTI before the start of the fiscal year. The respective payment amounts are calculated after the end of the fiscal year based on the achievement of targets. The Supervisory Board only has the opportunity to adjust the conditions of the STI and the LTI at its reasonable discretion in the event of extraordinary events-Otherwise, the Supervisory Board has no discretion when determining the payment amounts from the STI and the LTI.
•The contracts of the Management Board members in office at the end of 2023 do not contain a change of control clause.
•The members of the Management Board in office at the end of 2023 and new members of the Management Board receive a standard defined contribution pension commitment on a reinsurance basis. There are no benefit commitments for the members of the Management Board in office at the end of 2023.
•The variable remuneration components are subject to the possibility of being reclaimed (“clawback”) if the audited Consolidated Financial Statements and/or the basis for determining other targets on which the calculation of the variable remuneration is based subsequently turn out to be objectively incorrect and therefore need to be corrected and the error has led to a miscalculation of the variable remuneration.
Compliance with the remuneration system
The remuneration system applicable to the members of the Management Board was implemented without any deviations in fiscal year 2023.
Basics of the remuneration system
In the opinion of the Supervisory Board and the Management Board, the remuneration system for the members of the Management Board is clear and easy to understand. The goal of NORMA Group’s remuneration system is to remunerate the members of the Management Board in accordance with their tasks and performance and in an appropriate relationship to the situation of the Company. In accordance with NORMA Group’s strategy, the remuneration of the members of the Management Board targets at promoting the business strategy and the long-term interests of the Company and to contribute to the sustainable and long-term development of NORMA Group. The focus is on strengthening profitable growth – also by making selected acquisitions – in the business areas of NORMA Group as well as taking the sustainability strategy into account, being the basis for the structure of the remuneration system for the members of the Management Board.
The remuneration system takes various targets based on profitability (through the adjusted EBIT), the return on investment (through the NOVA), the development of the Company’s value (through the share price and the relative return on shares) and sustainability into account. The parameters used have different, but always multi-year terms in order to support the strategic success of the company in the long term. The remuneration of the members of the Management Board is designed in such a way that an appropriate incentive system is created for the implementation of the Company strategy and sustainable value creation and growth. Particular attention is paid to the greatest possible congruence between the interests and expectations of the shareholders and the remuneration of the Management Board.
The achievement of individual goals is taken into account by individual differentiation of the fixed remuneration of the members of the Management Board in accordance with the role and performance exercised. Due to the limited number of Management Board members, their performance is viewed as a collective effort and responsibility as a body and no further individual targets have been included in the remuneration system. In accordance with the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code, the remuneration consists of a fixed component (fixed remuneration) as well as short-term variable and long-term variable components.
The table below provides an overview of the components of the remuneration system for the members of the Management Board applicable to fiscal year 2023. The table also provides an overview of the structure of the individual remuneration components and explains their objectives, particularly with regard to how the remuneration promotes the long-term development of NORMA Group.
Fixed non-performance dependent remuneration components, design, reference to the strategy | T049 | |
Remuneration component | Design | Reference to the strategy |
Fixed annual salary | The Management Board members receive a fixed annual salary in twelve monthly installments that are paid at the end of each month. Its amount is based on the tasks and strategic and operational responsibility of the individual Management Board member. | The fixed remuneration components, consisting of the fixed annual salary, fringe benefits and the pension commitment, are intended, on the one hand, to attract globally available candidates for the development and implementation of the strategy, as well as for the management of NORMA Group and, on the other hand, to prevent them from taking inappropriate risks by offering them financial security. |
Fringe benefits | The Company provides each Management Board member with a company car also for private use. In addition, the members of the Management Board are included in the Company’s D&O insurance and the Company reimburses 50% of the expenses for health and long-term care insurance, up to a maximum of the expenses that the Company would have to pay if an employment relationship under social security law existed. The Company also takes out accident insurance (private and occupational accident) for the Management Board members at its own expense. | |
Company pension scheme | NORMA Group has changed the company pension scheme for the members of the Management Board to a defined contribution plan on a reinsurance basis. |
Variable performance dependent remuneration components, design, reference to the strategy | T050 | |
Remuneration component | Design | Reference to the strategy |
Short-Term Incentive (STI, short-term variable remuneration) | The STI is a performance dependent bonus consisting of two components. In the first step, the Chairman of the Management Board is awarded 0.33% and the ordinary members of the Management Board 0.22% of average EBIT adjusted for acquisitions in fiscal years 2021, 2022 and 2023. In the next step, this amount is adjusted by the relative stock return compared with the peer companies of comparable size, structure and industry below in a range of 0.8-1.2. Here, a relative stock return (rTSR) below the 25th percentile results in an adjustment factor of 0.8 and a stock return above the 75th percentile results in an adjustment factor of 1.2. Linear interpolation is applied in between. In total, the amount of the STI is limited to 180% of the fixed annual salary. There is no guaranteed base amount in the STI and the minimum payout is EUR 0. Payment is made in cash in the month following the month in which the Consolidated Financial Statements for the respective fiscal year were approved. | The STI sets ambitious incentives for maximizing NORMA Group’s financial success measured as NORMA Group EBIT adjusted for acquisitions. This key performance indicator measures profitability, which is the basis of the long-term company strategy and sustainable value creation. In order to adjust earnings for macroeconomic influences, the amount of the payout from adjusted EBIT is adjusted by the relative performance of the return on shares. The stock return acts as an external benchmark compared with selected peers. |
Long-Term Incentive (LTI, long-term variable remuneration) | Multi-year variable remuneration is divided into two independent components and consists of an LTI based on NORMA Value Added (NOVA-LTI) and the ESG-LTI. The NOVA-LTI is a backward-looking performance cash plan supplemented by a forward-looking share purchase and share retention obligation. NOVA is calculated as the difference between adjusted EBIT for the fiscal year multiplied by 1 minus the average corporate tax rate minus WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital) multiplied by invested capital at the beginning of the fiscal year. For the NOVA-LTI 2023, the performance period represents the fiscal years 2021, 2022 and 2023. The payout amount of the NOVA-LTI is limited to a maximum of 200% of the fixed annual salary. Regardless of whether the Company makes the payout from the NOVA-LTI in cash or in shares, 75% of the net payout amount from the NOVA-LTI must be invested in shares of the Company and be held in ownership for at least four years. The ESG LTI is a forward-looking performance cash plan with a performance period of 4 years. The target amount for the ESG-LTI 2023 is 20% of the fixed annual salary for fiscal year 2023, and the payout is limited to a maximum of 100% of this target amount. Regardless of whether the Company pays out the ESG-LTI in cash or shares, 100% of the net payout amount from the ESG-LTI must be invested in shares of the Company and be held in ownership for at least one year. There are no guaranteed base amounts in the LTI, neither in the NOVA LTI, nor in the ESG LTI, and the minimum payout for all LTI components is EUR 0. | The LTI serves to promote the long-term and sustainable development of the Company. For this purpose, the LTI includes on the one hand a value appreciation bonus based on the economic performance of NORMA Group (NOVA-LTI) and on the other hand an ESG-LTI, which acts as an incentive for the sustainable and responsible development of NORMA Group. |
Variable performance dependent remuneration components, design, reference to the strategy (continued) | ||
Other remuneration arrangements | ||
Clawback control | The variable compensation components are subject to a clawback. | The clawback rules are intended to counteract individual misconduct and the taking of disproportionate risks. |
Maximum remuneration | The maximum remuneration for the Chairman of the Management Board is EUR 3,900,000 and for the other members of the Management Board EUR 2,500,000. Irrespective of the fixed maximum remuneration, the payout amounts of the individual variable remuneration components are also limited in each case relative to the fixed annual salary. For the Chairman of the Management Board as well as the other members of the Management Board, these caps are 180% for the STI, 200% for the NOVA-LTI, and 20% of the fixed annual salary for the ESG-LTI. | The maximum remuneration ensures that the remuneration of the members of the Management Board is not unreasonably high, even taking the comparative environment into account, so that disproportionate risks and costs for NORMA Group are avoided. |
Share purchase and shareholding obligations | The payout from the LTI can be made in shares or cash. In total, 75% of the net payout amount of the NOVA LTI must be invested in shares of NORMA Group and held as property for at least four years. In addition, 100% of the payout amount of the ESG-LTI must be invested in shares of NORMA Group and held as property for at least one year. | The share acquisition and shareholding rules promote an alignment of interests between the Management Board and shareholders and provide additional incentives to promote the business strategy and long-term development of NORMA Group. |
Overview of the remuneration components and their relative share in the remuneration
The share of long-term variable remuneration in total remuneration exceeds the share of short-term variable remuneration in the target remuneration. The Supervisory Board determines the target amounts for the variable remuneration components for each fiscal year. In doing so, it decides which goals the Company and the Management Board should achieve in relation to the performance criteria on the basis of the result assessments of the previous fiscal years as part of the budget planning for the following fiscal years and the strategic planning for the next few years.
For fiscal year 2023, the CEO’s fixed remuneration (fixed annual salary, pension costs for the company pension scheme and fringe benefits) accounted for approximately 47% of target total remuneration and variable remuneration for approximately 53% of the target total remuneration. For the ordinary members of the Management Board, the average share of fixed remuneration was approximately 42% of the target total remuneration and the share of variable remuneration was approximately 58% of the total target remuneration.
In the remuneration granted and owed for fiscal year 2023, the share of fixed remuneration (fixed annual salary, pension costs for the company pension scheme and fringe benefits) for the CEO, as well as for regular Management Board members, was around 70% of the total remuneration and the share of variable remuneration was around 30% of the total remuneration.
For the CEO and the other members of the Management Board, the STI (target amount) made up around 35% of the variable target remuneration, while the NOVA-LTI (target amount) made up around 57% of the variable target remuneration and the ESG-LTI (target amount) was approximately 8% of target variable remuneration.
The percentages referred to can differ due to the different actuarial calculation of the service costs for each fiscal year and each Management Board member and the development of the costs of the contractually agreed fringe benefits.
FIGURE G038: PERCENTAGE OF REMUNERATION COMPONENTS (TARGET REMUNERATION) illustrates the relative remuneration components for the CEO and the other Management Board members in relation to the target total remuneration for fiscal year 2023:

Determination of the target total remuneration
The Supervisory Board determines a target total remuneration for the individual members of the Management Board. This is made up of the sum of all remuneration components relevant to total remuneration. For the STI, NOVA-LTI and ESG-LTI, the target amounts are based on a target achievement of 100% of the budget values. The Supervisory Board determines the target amounts for the variable remuneration components for each fiscal year. The Supervisory Board decides which goals the Company should achieve on the basis of the results determined for the previous fiscal years as part of the budget planning for the current fiscal years.
Fixed Remuneration Components
Fixed annual salary
The members of the Management Board receive a fixed annual salary in twelve monthly instalments, which are paid at the end of each month. The amount of the fixed annual salary is based on the tasks and the strategic and operational responsibility of the respective Management Board member.
Company pension scheme
NORMA Group grants the active members of the Management Board a defined contribution company pension plan with reinsurance. The Company is required to make contributions to an external provider each year under the
defined contribution plan. The amount of the contributions corresponds to current market practice. All members of the Management Board in office at the end of 2023 participate in this plan.
One exception to this was the former member of the Management Board, Dr. Klein, COO until April 30, 2023. He is covered by a benefit commitment from the Company. The entitlement to a pension arises when the employment contract ends and the Management Board member has reached the age of 65 or the Management Board member is permanently unable to work. The pension level (retirement pension) of the pension agreements is 4% of the fixed annual salary for each completed year of service from appointment to the Management Board, up to a maximum of 55% of the last fixed annual salary. Furthermore, a survivor’s pension will be provided as well. After retirement, adjustments are agreed in accordance with Section 16 (1) BetrAVG. The agreements relating to Dr. Klein stem from contractual commitments made before the current remuneration system came into force and have no longer been granted to new members of the Management Board in this form since 2020.
Fringe benefits
The Company provides each Management Board member with a company car for private use. In addition, the members of the Management Board are included in the Company’s D&O insurance and the Company reimburses 50% of the expenses for health and nursing care insurance, up to a maximum of the expenses that the Company would have to pay if they were employed under social security law. The Company also takes out accident insurance (private and occupational accidents) for the members of the Management Board at its own expense.
Variable Remuneration Components
The performance indicators used to measure the short-term and long-term variable remuneration components are derived from NORMA Group’s company strategy and are based on a three- or four-year observation period. The variable remuneration of the Management Board consists of the following components:
Short-term variable remuneration (Short-Term Incentive, STI)
The STI is a performance-related bonus which, on the one hand, reflects the absolute performance figure adjusted EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes, adjusted for acquisitions) of NORMA Group and, on the other hand, the relative return on shares (Total Shareholder Return, TSR for short) of NORMA Group SE in relation to a comparison group. The payout amount of the STI is calculated from a starting value and an adjustment to the target achievement of the TSR in the grant year. The calculation is shown in the following formula:
Payout amount = Baseline (= average adjusted EBIT x STI percentage) x TSR adjustment
The baseline figure results from multiplying the average adjusted EBIT, i.e. adjusted for acquisitions, in the fiscal year for which the STI is granted and the two fiscal years preceding the fiscal year in which the STI is granted (arithmetic mean) by the STI percentage, which is 0.33% for the CEO and 0.22% for the other board members. In a second step, this initial value is then multiplied by the TSR adjustment factor and the result represents the payout amount. The TSR is defined as the percentage change in the stock market price during the grant year, including notionally reinvested dividends and all capital measures. In other words, the TSR is a measure of how the value of a share commitment has developed over a period of time and takes into account both dividends accrued during the period and any share price increases that may have occurred. In the current remuneration system, the share yield is taken into account as a relative performance factor. The TSR adjustment factor is determined by measuring the TSR development (share price and dividend development) of NORMA Group SE in relation to the TSR
development of the peer group companies during the granting fiscal year. Depending on the results of the comparison, the initial value of the STI is adjusted upwards by 20% when a position in the peer group is reached above the 75th percentile and downwards by 20% below the 25th percentile; the TSR adjustment factor is therefore limited to the range of 0.8 to 1.2. The comparison group currently consists of the following 15 listed companies of comparable size, structure and industry sector to NORMA Group and is shown in the following table. The Supervisory Board is entitled to adjust the peer group for future assessment periods before the beginning of the respective assessment period.
TSR comparison group | T051 | |||
Bertrandt AG | Deutz AG | DMG Mori AG | ElringKlinger AG | Gerresheimer AG |
Jungheinrich AG | König & Bauer AG | Leoni AG | SAF-Holland SE | Schaeffler AG |
SGL Carbon SE | Stabilus SE | Vossloh AG | Wacker Neuson SE | WashTec AG |
FIGURE G039: MECHANISM OF THE STI illustrates the calculation of the target remuneration of the STI.

The payout amount (= initial value x TSR adjustment factor) is limited to a maximum of 180% of annual base salary; the initial value (= average adjusted EBIT x STI percentage) is limited to a maximum of 150% of the fixed annual salary. The short-term variable remuneration for the past fiscal year is to be paid out in the following year after approval of the Consolidated Financial Statements by the Supervisory Board. If the Management Board member did not work for the Company for a full twelve months in a fiscal year, the annual bonus will be reduced accordingly.
All claims to the STI from a current fiscal year expire without replacement or compensation if the employment contract of the Management Board member is terminated by the Company for an important reason for which the Management Board member is responsible pursuant to Section 626 of the German Civil Code (BGB), the appointment of the Board member is revoked due to a gross breach of duty and/or the appointment of the Board
member ends as a result of resignation without the resignation being caused by a breach of duty by the Company or health impairments of the Board member or health impairments of a close family member (“bad leaver cases”). In the event of extraordinary events or developments, the acquisition or sale of a part of a company, for example, the Supervisory Board is entitled to temporarily and appropriately adjust the plan conditions of the STI at its reasonable discretion. The same applies if changes in the accounting regulations applicable to the Company have a significant impact on the parameters used to calculate the STI and in the event that a fiscal year comprises less than twelve months (short fiscal year).
FIGURE G040: TARGET AMOUNTS AND PAYOUT AMOUNTS OF THE STI provides a detailed overview of the calculation of the target amount of the STI for fiscal year 2023:

The TSR factor for the fiscal year 2023 is 0.84 because the 29th percentile was reached in 2023.
For fiscal year 2023, NORMA Group generated an adjusted average EBIT of EUR 103.4 million. In combination with the achieved TSR factor of 0.84, this results in a payout amount for the STI 2023 of EUR 167 thousand for CEO Guido Grandi, who has been in office since June 1, 2023. For the COO in office since May 1, 2023, Dr. Daniel Heymann, this results in a payout amount for the STI 2023 of EUR 127 thousand and for CFO Annette Stieve a payout amount for the STI 2023 of EUR 191 thousand.15 The payout amounts comply with the payout cap of 180% of the fixed annual salary.
Long-term variable compensation (Long-Term Incentive, LTI)
The long-term variable remuneration consists of two components, the NORMA Value Added-LTI (NOVA-LTI for short) and the Environmental, Social and Governance-LTI (ESG-LTI for short).
The NOVA-LTI is granted in the form of a backward-looking performance cash plan in annual tranches, which is supplemented by a forward-looking share purchase and share retention obligation. The members of the Management Board are granted a tranche from the performance cash plan on January 1 of each grant fiscal year. Each tranche of the performance cash plan has a term of three years and considers the granting fiscal year and the two fiscal years preceding the granting fiscal year (“performance period”). The main success criterion for the LTI is the average NORMA Value Added (“NOVA”) during the three-year performance period. The payout amount from the LTI is calculated by multiplying the LTI percentage by the average adjusted NOVA during the performance period. The LTI percentage for the CEO is 1.5% and for full Board members 1.0%.
The annual increase in value is calculated using to the following formula:
NORMA Value Added = (adjusted EBIT x (1 – s)) – (WACC x invested capital)
The calculation of the first component is based on the adjusted Group earnings before interest and taxes (adjusted NORMA Group EBIT) for the fiscal year and the average corporate tax rate. The second component is calculated from NORMA Group’s cost of capital (WACC) multiplied by the capital employed. The assumptions for the Group’s cost of capital (WACC) are shown in the table below.
15 Miguel Ángel López Borrego served as interim CEO in the period from January 1, 2023 to May 31, 2023. This results in a payout amount for the STI 2023 of EUR 119 thousand. Dr. Friedrich Klein was COO of NORMA Group until April 30, 2023. The amount paid out for the STI 2023 in relation to this period is EUR 64 thousand; EUR 127 thousand relate to the period from May 1, 2023 until December 31, 2023. In addition, a former member of the Management Board whose contract ended on June 30, 2023, is entitled to a payment of EUR 143 thousand with regard to the STI 2023.
Assumptions for the calculation of the weighted average cost of capital | T052 | |
in % | 2023 | 2022 |
Risk-free interest rate | 2.75 | 2.00 |
Market risk premium | 7.50 | 7.50 |
Beta factor of NORMA Group | 1.65 | 1.65 |
Cost of equity | 16.04 | 15.41 |
Borrowing cost rate after taxes | 3.04 | 2.80 |
Weighted average cost of capital after taxes | 9.55 | 9.25 |
The base interest rate is derived from the interest rate structure data of Deutsche Bundesbank (three-month average: October 1 to December 31, 2023). The market risk premium represents the difference between the expected return on a risky market portfolio and the risk-free interest rate. NORMA Group uses the recommendation of the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW) to determine this. The beta factor represents the individual risk of a share compared to a market index. It is first determined as the average value of the unindebted beta factors of the peer group and subsequently adjusted to NORMA Group’s individual capital structure. The cost of equity is the sum of the following three components: the risk-free interest rate, the weighted country risk of NORMA Group, the product of the market risk premium and leveraged beta factor of the peer group. The credit spread used to calculate the cost of debt was determined on the basis of the terms of the current external financing of NORMA Group. Invested capital is calculated from consolidated equity plus net financial liabilities as of January 1 of the fiscal year.
FIGURE G041: TEMPORAL SEQUENCES OF THE NOVA-LTI clarifies the timing of the NOVA-LTI, in particular the performance period and the obligation to purchase and retain shares of four years.

The NOVA-LTI is limited to a maximum of 200% of the fixed annual salary for all Management Board members. The Company may pay the payout amount in cash or in shares of NORMA Group SE. In the case of a cash payment, the members of the Management Board are obliged to purchase shares of the Company for an amount equal to 75% of the net amount paid out and to retain ownership of these for a period of four years (obligation to purchase and retain shares). The Company’s Supervisory Board may decide at its reasonable discretion to issue shares in the Company in whole or in part in lieu of a cash payment. If the Company issues shares in the Company in lieu of a cash payment, the members of the Management Board are also required to retain ownership of 75% of the shares issued for a period of four years. Independently of, whether the Company makes the payout amount in cash or in shares, 75% of the net payout amount from the NOVA-LTI must be invested in shares of the Company and be held for a period of four years. Irrespective of the type of payment (cash or in shares in the Company), the
NOVA-LTI is paid out in the following year after approval of the Consolidated Financial Statements by the Supervisory Board. After the end of the employment contract, the retention obligation generally lasts for a period of twelve months after the legal end of the employment contract, unless the four-year retention period has expired earlier.
The cases described with regard to the STI for a resignation during an ongoing performance period apply accordingly. In the event of extraordinary events or developments, the acquisition or sale of a part of a company, for example, the Supervisory Board is entitled to temporarily and appropriately adjust the plan conditions of the LTI at its reasonable discretion. The same applies if changes in the accounting regulations applicable to the Company have a significant impact on the parameters used to calculate the LTI and in the event that a fiscal year is less than twelve months long (short fiscal year).
FIGURE G042: TARGET AMOUNTS AND PAYOUT AMOUNTS OF THE NOVA-LTI provides an overview of the target amounts and payout amounts of the NOVA-LTI for fiscal year 2023:

The calculation of the NOVA figure is explained in the following table:
Calculation of the NOVA figure | T053 | ||||
Year | Adjusted EBIT in EUR thousand | Tax rate in % | WACC in % | Invested capital in EUR thousand | Annual increase in value in EUR thousand |
2021 | 113,760 | 28.6 | 7.03 | 927,868 | 15,696 |
2022 | 98,964 | 35.2 | 9.25 | 987,069 | -27,142 |
2023 | 97,481 | 41.3 | 9.55 | 1,055,128 | -43,607 |
Ø | -18.351 |
The amount paid out for the NOVA-LTI 2023 for the CEO and other members of the Management Board is EUR 0.00. The payout amounts maintain the payout cap of 200% of the fixed annual salary.
In addition to the NOVA-LTI, the ESG-LTI represents the second component of long-term variable remuneration. The ESG-LTI is a variable remuneration element in the form of a forward-looking performance cash plan in annual tranches, which is supplemented by an obligation of Board members to purchase and hold shares. Each tranche of the ESG-LTI has a term of four years. A tranche begins on January 1 of the granting fiscal year and ends at the end of December 31 of the third year following the granting fiscal year (“ESG performance period”). The amount paid out from the ESG-LTI depends on the achievement of environmental, social and prudent corporate governance goals, so-called “ESG goals.” ESG objectives can be, for example: Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing workforce satisfaction, increasing customer satisfaction, reducing workplace accidents, and increasing sustainability.
The target amount of the ESG-LTI is 20% of the fixed annual salary. The payout amount is limited to a maximum of 100% of the target amount. The payout amount from the ESG-LTI is due for payment at the end of the month following the month in which the Supervisory Board approved the Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements for the granting fiscal year. The Company can pay out the payout amount from the ESG-LTI in cash or in shares in the Company. In the case of a cash payment, the members of the Management Board are obliged to purchase shares in the Company for the entire net amount paid out and to retain ownership of these for a period of one year (“obligation to purchase and retain shares”). The Company’s Supervisory Board may decide at its reasonable discretion to issue shares in the Company in whole or in part in lieu of a cash payment. In this case, the members of the Management Board are also obliged to hold 100% of the shares issued for a period of one year. As a result, 100% of the net payout amount from the ESG bonus must be invested in shares of the Company and be held for a period of one year. FIGURE G043: MECHANISM OF THE ESG-LTI clarifies the mechanism of the ESG-LTI.

The cases described with regard to the STI for a resignation during an ongoing performance period apply accordingly. In the event of extraordinary events or developments, the acquisition or sale of a part of a company, for example, the Supervisory Board is entitled to temporarily and appropriately adjust the plan conditions of the ESG-LTI at its reasonable discretion. The same applies if changes in the accounting regulations applicable to the Company have a significant impact on the parameters relevant for the calculation of the ESG-LTI and in the event that a fiscal year is less than twelve months long (short fiscal year).
Information on the shares and stock options granted or promised within the meaning of Section 162 (1) No. 3 AktG as part of the Long-Term Incentives (LTI)
The following table provides an overview of the shares granted:
NOVA-Bonus / LTI | T054 | |||||
Balance at the beginning of the fiscal year | Shares granted in the fiscal year | Retention period expired in the fiscal year | Balance at the end of the fiscal year | Duration of the existing holding period until | ||
Annette Stieve | NOVA-LTI 2018–2020 (payout in 2021) | 153 | – | – | 153 | July 2025 |
NOVA-LTI 2019–2021 (payout in 2022) | – | – | – | – | ||
NOVA-LTI 2020–2022 (payout in 2023) | – | – | – | – | ||
Dr. Michael Schneider | NOVA-LTI 2016–2018 (payout in 2019) | 1,784 | 1,784 | 0 | – | |
NOVA-LTI 2017–2019 (payout in 2020) | 2,158 | 2,158 | March 2024 | |||
NOVA-LTI 2018–2020 (payout in 2021) | 852 | 852 | May 2025 | |||
NOVA-LTI 2019–2021 (payout in 2022) | — | – | – | – | ||
NOVA-LTI 2020–2022 (payout in 2023) | — | – | – | – | ||
Dr. Friedrich Klein | NOVA-LTI 2016–2018 (payout in 2019) | 500 | 500 | 0 | – | |
NOVA-LTI 2017–2019 (payout in 2020) | 1,175 | 1,175 | May 2024 | |||
NOVA-LTI 2018–2020 (payout in 2021) | 810 | 810 | May 2025 | |||
NOVA-LTI 2019–2021 (payout in 2022) | – | – | – | – | ||
NOVA-LTI 2020–2022 (payout in 2023) | – | – | – | – |
The acquisition of shares from the ESG-LTI will only take place in the future; therefore these shares will only be shown in the future.
Maximum Remuneration and Compliance with Maximum Remuneration
The total remuneration to be granted for a fiscal year (total of all remuneration amounts granted for the fiscal year in question, including the fixed annual salary, variable remuneration components, pension expenses (service costs) and fringe benefits) of the members of the Management Board – regardless of whether it is paid out in this fiscal year or at a later date – is capped in absolute terms (“maximum remuneration”). The maximum remuneration pursuant to Section 87a (1) sentence 2 No. 1 AktG is EUR 3,900,000 for the Chairman of the Management Board and EUR 2,500,000 for each of the other Management Board members. If the total remuneration calculated for a fiscal year exceeds the maximum remuneration, the payout amount from the LTI is reduced so that the maximum remuneration is observed. If necessary, the Supervisory Board is permitted, at its due discretion, to reduce other remuneration components or demand reimbursement of remuneration already paid. Irrespective of the specified maximum remuneration, the payment amounts of the individual variable remuneration components are also limited in relation to the fixed annual salary.
The remuneration granted for fiscal year 2023 remained within the target and the maximum payout is below the maximum remuneration.
Severance Payments and Change of Control Clause
In the event of premature termination of the service contract without good cause, a possible severance payment is limited to a maximum of two annual salaries in accordance with the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code and may not exceed the contractual remuneration for the remaining term, if the remaining term of the service contract is less than two years (severance payment cap). The calculation of the severance payment cap is generally based on the total remuneration for the past fiscal year and, if applicable, also on the expected total remuneration for the current fiscal year.
In accordance with the recommendations of the GCGC, NORMA Group does not grant the members of the Management Board any special compensation in the event of a change of control; no severance payment is due if a special right of termination is exercised in the event of a change of control or due to conversions.
Opportunities for the Company to reclaim variable remuneration components
The Company is entitled to adjust and reclaim the payment amounts from the variable remuneration at its due discretion if the audited Consolidated Financial Statements and/or the basis for determining other targets on which the calculation of the variable remuneration is based need to be corrected retrospectively because they prove to be objectively incorrect, and the error has led to an incorrect calculation of the variable remuneration. The claim for repayment consists of the difference between the payment amounts actually paid by the Company and the payment amounts that should have been paid out according to the regulations on variable remuneration based on the corrected calculation bases. In the event of a grossly negligent or intentional breach by a member of the Management Board of one of his material duties of care within the meaning of Section 93 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) or a material principle of action of an internal guideline issued by the Company and a resulting risk to the business success or reputation of NORMA Group or one of its companies, the Supervisory Board may reduce the variable remuneration components in part or in full (down to zero).
If the correction of the basis for calculating variable remuneration affects several variable remuneration components that have been paid out, payment amounts for all variable remuneration components can be reclaimed. The entitlement to repayment exists for a period of three years after payment of the respective variable remuneration component.
In fiscal year 2023, the Supervisory Board did not make use of the option to withhold or reclaim variable remuneration components.
Remuneration of the Management Board in fiscal year 2023
Management Board remuneration for fiscal year 2023 is reported in accordance with Section 162 AktG and, for reasons of continuity and transparency, in accordance with the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC).
Management Board remuneration for fiscal year 2023 in accordance with Section 162 AktG
The variable remuneration (STI, NOVA-LTI and ESG-LTI) is shown as remuneration granted and owed in accordance with Section 162 (1) sentence 2 No. 1 AktG in the fiscal year in which the activity on which the remuneration is based was performed in full. For example, the NOVA-LTI for the 2021-2023 performance period is reported as granted and owed in fiscal year 2023 (however, due to a negative NOVA value, no NOVA-LTI was granted in fiscal years 2022 and 2023).
The remuneration granted and owed to the members of the Management Board is made up as follows:
Management Board remuneration granted and owed pursuant to Sec. 162 (1) sentence 2 no. 1 German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) | ||||||||||||
Type of remuneration | Guido Grandi (since June 1, 2023) | Dr. Daniel Heymann (since May 1, 2023) | Annette Stieve | |||||||||
2023 | 2022 | 2023 | 2022 | 2023 | 2022 | |||||||
in EUR thousands | in % | in EUR thousands | in % | in EUR thousands | in % | in EUR thousands | in % | in EUR thousands | in % | in EUR thousands | in % | |
Fixed remuneration | 321 | n/a | 240 | n/a | 410 | 396 | ||||||
Fringe benefits | 17 | n/a | 18 | n/a | 26 | 14 | ||||||
Total | 338 | 66.9 | n/a | n/a | 258 | 67.0 | n/a | n/a | 436 | 63.1 | 410 | 73.0 |
One-year variable remuneration (STI) | 167 | n/a | 127 | n/a | 191 | 151 | ||||||
Multi-year variable remuneration: | ||||||||||||
NOVA-LTI | 0 | n/a | 0 | n/a | 0 | 0 | ||||||
ESG-LTI | – | n/a | – | n/a | 64 | – | ||||||
Total | 167 | 33.1 | n/a | n/a | 127 | 33.0 | n/a | n/a | 255 | 36.9 | 151 | 27.0 |
Total remuneration | 505 | 100.0 | n/a | n/a | 385 | 100.0 | n/a | n/a | 691 | 100.0 | 562 | 100.0 |
Type of remuneration | Miguel Ángel López Borrego (January 1 until May 31, 2023)1 | Dr. Friedrich Klein (until April 30, 2023)2 | Dr. Michael Schneider (until December 31, 2022) | Total | ||||||||||
2023 | 2022 | 2023 | 2022 | 2023 | 2022 | 2023 | 2022 | |||||||
in EUR thousands | in % | in EUR thousands | in % | in EUR thousands | in % | in EUR thousands | in % | in EUR thousands | in % | in EUR thousands | in % | in EUR thousands | in EUR thousands | |
Fixed remuneration | 250 | n/a | 132 | 396 | n/a | 600 | 1,353 | 1,392 | ||||||
Fringe benefits | 12 | n/a | 3 | 11 | n/a | 30 | 76 | 55 | ||||||
Total | 262 | 68.8 | n/a | n/a | 135 | 50.9 | 407 | 72.8 | n/a | n/a | 630 | 73.4 | 1,429 | 1,447 |
One-year variable remuneration (STI) | 119 | n/a | 64 | 151 | n/a | 227 | 668 | 529 | ||||||
Multi-year variable remuneration: | ||||||||||||||
NOVA-LTI | 0 | n/a | 0 | 0 | n/a | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||||
ESG-LTI | - | n/a | 66 | – | n/a | – | 130 | – | ||||||
Total | 119 | 31.2 | n/a | n/a | 130 | 49.1 | 151 | 27.2 | n/a | n/a | 227 | 26.6 | 798 | 529 |
Total remuneration | 381 | 100.0 | n/a | n/a | 265 | 100.0 | 559 | 100.0 | n/a | n/a | 858 | 100.0 | 2,227 | 1,976 |
1_Interim CEO activity from January 1 to May 31, 2023; the office of Supervisory Board member was suspended during this period. 2_Dr. Klein: the figure above includes the remuneration for the period from January 1, 2023 to April 30, 2023; for the period from May 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023, the total remuneration amounts to EUR 410 thousand and is broken down as follows: Fixed remuneration EUR 264 thousand, fringe benefits EUR 6 thousand, one-year variable remuneration EUR 127 thousand and multi-year variable remuneration EUR 13 thousand. |
Departure of the former Chairman of the Management Board as of December 31, 2022
Dr. Michael Schneider, former Chairman of the Management Board of NORMA Group SE, stepped down from the Management Board effective December 31, 2022 (“departure date”). The settlement agreement concluded provides for the remuneration after the date of departure to be paid during the release phase in accordance with the provisions in the employment contract up until June 30, 2023 (termination date). There are no further severance payment claims. Pension entitlements remain unchanged (pension agreement). In accordance with the agreement, Dr. Schneider will not acquire any further pension entitlements after the termination date.
Remuneration for the period up until December 31, 2022, is shown in the following tables. The benefits promised or granted for the period after December 31, 2022, amount to EUR 800 thousand in total and are composed as follows: non-performance-dependent component: EUR 324 thousand, performance-dependent component: EUR 261 thousand, long-term incentive component: EUR 0 thousand and pension expense: EUR 215 thousand.
The benefits that have been promised to the members of the Management Board in the event of the regular termination of their activity (cf. Section 162 (2) No. 3 AktG) are distributed among the individual Management Board members as shown in the following table.
Overview of the promised pensions of the Board members | T056 | |||||||
Guido Grandi (since June 1, 2023) | Dr. Daniel Heymann (since May 1, 2023) | Annette Stieve | Miguel Ángel López Borrego (January 1 until May 31, 2023)1 | |||||
in EUR thousands | 2023 | 2022 | 2023 | 2022 | 2023 | 2022 | 2023 | 2022 |
Present value of pension | – | n/a | – | n/a | – | – | – | n/a |
Expended amount | 105 | n/a | 80 | n/a | 165 | 165 | 0 | n/a |
1_Interim CEO activity from January 1 to May 31, 2023; the office as a member of the Supervisory Board was suspended during this period. |
Dr. Friedrich Klein (until April 30, 2023) | Dr. Michael Schneider (until Dec 31, 2022) | Total | ||||
in EUR thousands | 2023 | 2022 | 2023 | 2022 | 2023 | 2022 |
Present value of pension | n/a | 1,561 | n/a | 4,621 | n/a | 6,182 |
Expended amount | 69 | 450 | n/a | 901 | 419 | 1,516 |
The present value of all pension commitments to prior members of the Management Board and their dependents was EUR 7,186 thousand as of December 31, 2023 (2022: EUR 1,014 thousand).
Management Board remuneration for fiscal year 2023 in accordance with the German Corporate Governance Code
For reasons of a continuous presentation and to ensure the best possible transparency, this Remuneration Report is based on the model tables of the German Corporate Governance Code in the version dated February 7, 2017 (in short: GCGC 2017), even if this presentation is no longer mandatory. In deviation from Section 162 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG), the remuneration of the Management Board is broken down according to whether it was granted for the reporting year or received in or for the reporting year and is as follows:
GCGC: Remuneration granted | ||||||||||||||||
Grants awarded (in EUR thousand) | Guido Grandi (since June 1, 2023) | Dr. Daniel Heymann (since May 31, 2023) | Annette Stieve | Miguel Ángel López Borrego (January 1 until May 31, 2023)1 | ||||||||||||
2023 | 2023 (Min.) | 2023 (Max.) | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 (Min.) | 2023 (Max.) | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 (Min.) | 2023 (Max.) | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 (Min.) | 2023 (Max.) | 2022 | |
Fixed remuneration | 321 | 321 | 321 | n/a | 240 | 240 | 240 | n/a | 410 | 410 | 410 | 396 | 250 | 250 | 250 | n/a |
Fringe benefits | 17 | 17 | 17 | n/a | 18 | 18 | 18 | n/a | 26 | 26 | 26 | 14 | 12 | 12 | 12 | n/a |
Total | 338 | 338 | 338 | n/a | 258 | 258 | 258 | n/a | 436 | 436 | 436 | 410 | 262 | 262 | 262 | n/a |
One-year variable remuneration (STI) | 312 | 0 | 578 | n/a | 237 | 0 | 432 | n/a | 356 | 0 | 810 | 356 | 223 | 0 | 450 | n/a |
Multi-year variable remuneration | 567 | 0 | 706 | n/a | 431 | 0 | 528 | n/a | 654 | 0 | 871 | 575 | 409 | 0 | 550 | n/a |
Total | 879 | 0 | 1,284 | n/a | 668 | 0 | 960 | n/a | 1,010 | 0 | 1,681 | 931 | 632 | 0 | 1,000 | n/a |
Pension expenses | 105 | 105 | 105 | n/a | 80 | 80 | 80 | n/a | 165 | 165 | 165 | 165 | 0 | 0 | 0 | n/a |
Total remuneration | 1,322 | 443 | 1,727 | n/a | 1,006 | 338 | 1,298 | n/a | 1,611 | 601 | 2,282 | 1,506 | 894 | 262 | 1,262 | n/a |
1_Interim CEO activity from January 1 to May 31, 2023; the office as a member of the Supervisory Board was suspended during this period. |
Grants awarded (in EUR thousand) | Dr. Friedrich Klein (until April 30, 2023) | Dr. Michael Schneider (until Dec 31, 2022) | Total | |||||||||
2023 | 2023 (Min.) | 2023 (Max.) | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 (Min.) | 2023 (Max.) | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 (Min.) | 2023 (Max.) | 2022 | |
Fixed remuneration | 132 | 132 | 132 | 396 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 600 | 1,353 | 1,353 | 1,353 | 1,392 |
Fringe benefits | 3 | 3 | 3 | 11 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 30 | 76 | 76 | 76 | 55 |
Total | 135 | 135 | 135 | 407 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 630 | 1,429 | 1,429 | 1,429 | 1,447 |
One-year variable remuneration (STI) | 119 | 0 | 238 | 356 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 534 | 1,247 | 0 | 2,508 | 1,246 |
Multi-year variable remuneration | 258 | 0 | 330 | 575 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 862 | 2,319 | 0 | 2,985 | 2,012 |
Total | 377 | 0 | 568 | 931 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 1,396 | 3,566 | 0 | 5,493 | 3,258 |
Pension expenses | 80 | 80 | 80 | 369 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 619 | 430 | 430 | 430 | 1,153 |
Total remuneration | 592 | 215 | 783 | 1,707 | n/a | n/a | n/a | 2,645 | 5,425 | 1,859 | 7,352 | 5,858 |
The award table does not reflect actual remuneration paid. It specifies the target values of the respective remuneration components as well as their theoretically possible minimum and maximum values for the year 2023. The defined expected or target values give the indication required by the GCGC as to what would be paid out if the target values (EBIT, NOVA and ESG) were planned or typically expected to be achieved. If the target figures are not actually achieved, the payout is correspondingly lower. This is shown in the table below.
GCGC - Inflow | ||||||||
Guido Grandi (since June 1, 2023) | Dr. Daniel Heymann (since May 1, 2023) | Annette Stieve | Miguel Ángel López Borrego (January 1 until May 31, 2023)1 | |||||
in EUR thousand | 2023 | 2022 | 2023 | 2022 | 2023 | 2022 | 2023 | 2022 |
Fixed remuneration | 321 | n/a | 240 | n/a | 410 | 396 | 250 | n/a |
Fringe benefits | 17 | n/a | 18 | n/a | 26 | 14 | 12 | n/a |
Total | 338 | n/a | 258 | n/a | 436 | 410 | 262 | n/a |
One-year variable remuneration | 167 | n/a | 127 | n/a | 191 | 151 | 119 | n/a |
Multi-year variable remuneration | ||||||||
NOVA-LTI | 0 | n/a | 0 | n/a | 0 | 0 | 0 | n/a |
ESG-LTI | 0 | n/a | 0 | n/a | 64 | 0 | 0 | n/a |
Total | 167 | n/a | 127 | n/a | 255 | 151 | 119 | n/a |
Pension expenses | 105 | n/a | 80 | n/a | 165 | 165 | 0 | n/a |
Total remuneration | 610 | n/a | 465 | n/a | 856 | 727 | 381 | n/a |
1_Interim CEO activity from January 1 to May 31, 2023; the office as a member of the Supervisory Board was suspended during this period. |
Dr. Friedrich Klein (until April 30, 2023) | Dr. Michael Schneider (until Dec 31, 2022) | Total | ||||
in EUR thousand | 2023 | 2022 | 2023 | 2022 | 2023 | 2022 |
Fixed remuneration | 132 | 396 | n/a | 600 | 1,353 | 1,392 |
Fringe benefits | 3 | 11 | n/a | 30 | 76 | 55 |
Total | 135 | 407 | n/a | 630 | 1,429 | 1,447 |
One-year variable remuneration | 64 | 151 | n/a | 227 | 668 | 529 |
Multi-year variable remuneration | ||||||
NOVA-LTI | 0 | 0 | n/a | 0 | 0 | 0 |
ESG-LTI | 66 | 0 | n/a | 0 | 130 | 0 |
Total | 130 | 151 | n/a | 227 | 798 | 529 |
Pension expenses | 80 | 369 | n/a | 619 | 430 | 1,153 |
Total remuneration | 345 | 928 | n/a | 1,477 | 2,657 | 3,129 |
Verification of the appropriateness of Management Board remuneration
In fiscal year 2023, the Supervisory Board carried out a review of the Management Board remuneration and came to the conclusion that the amount of Management Board remuneration is appropriate from a legal point of view within the meaning of Section 87 (1) AktG. The Supervisory Board also regularly seeks external advice to assess the appropriateness of Management Board remuneration and pensions. From a company-external perspective, the relationship between the amount and structure of Management Board remuneration and the remuneration of senior management and the workforce as a whole is evaluated (vertical comparison). In addition to a status quo consideration, the vertical comparison also takes the development of remuneration ratios over time into account. On the other hand, the amount and structure of remuneration are evaluated based on the positioning of NORMA Group in a peer group (horizontal comparison). In addition to the fixed remuneration, the horizontal comparison
also includes the short and long-term remuneration components as well as the amount of the fringe benefits and company pension scheme. The peer group was carefully chosen by the Supervisory Board to avoid an automatic upward trend in remuneration.
The review of the appropriateness of the remuneration of the Management Board in fiscal year 2023 showed that the Management Board remuneration is appropriate.
Management Board contracts
The Management Board contracts are concluded upon commencement of service for a period of three years.
These contents are part of the Non-financial Group Report and were subject to a separate limited assurance examination.