Trading turnover down due to lower volumes and lower share prices
The average daily Xetra trading volume of the NORMA Group share was 2023 shares 47,804 shares in 2023 (2022: 78,272 shares) Thus, the average daily Xetra turnover (number of shares traded multiplied by the respective closing price of the day on which they were traded) of EUR 0.88 million was considerably below the level of the previous year (2022: EUR 1.7 million). This is due to both the lower average share prices and the decline in trading volumes compared to the previous year.
The total number of shares traded on average per trading day on all trading venues in 2023 was 141,225 (2022: 274,152 shares). Trading was distributed among the various trading venues as follows:

These contents are part of the Non-financial Group Report and were subject to a separate limited assurance examination.