The Annual General Meeting of NORMA Group SE was held in Frankfurt/Main on May 11, 2023, once again in the form of an attendance event after three years of virtual Annual General Meetings. Of the 31,862,400 shares bearing voting rights, a total of around 78% of the registered share capital of NORMA Group SE was represented.

The Annual General Meeting of NORMA Group voted with a majority of 99.37% in favor of the proposal of the Supervisory Board and the Management Board to distribute a dividend of EUR 0.55 per share. The total amount distributed was around EUR 17.5 million (2022: EUR 23.9 million), resulting in a payout ratio of 31.3% of adjusted Group earnings of EUR 56.0 million in fiscal year 2022. All other items on the agenda were also approved by the 2023 Annual General Meeting by a large majority.

All voting results can be found in the Investor Relations section of the NORMA Group website WWW.NORMAGROUP.COM

Key Figures of the NORMA Group Share


H1 2023

Closing price 1 as of June 30, 2023 (in EUR)


Highest price 1 H1 2023 (in EUR)


Lowest price 1 H1 2023  (in EUR)


Number of unweighted shares as of June 30, 2023


Market capitalization as of June 30, 2023 (in EUR million)


Average daily Xetra volume



Earnings per share (in EUR)


Adjusted earnings per share (in EUR)
