Raw materials and consumables used comprised the following:

Raw materials and consumables used










The ratio of cost of materials to sales increased from 45.8% in fiscal year 2021 to 48.0% in fiscal year 2022. The ratio of cost of materials to total output (sum of sales, change in inventories of finished goods and work in progress, and other own work capitalized) also increased compared to the previous year (2021: 44.9%), with a ratio of 47.3%.

The main reason for this development is the ongoing shortage of raw materials worldwide and the resulting increase in raw material prices on the procurement market. Supply bottlenecks additionally drove up logistics costs on the input side. The energy crisis triggered by the war in Ukraine was a further driver of the rise in material costs. These developments could not be fully offset by adjusting selling prices.


These contents are part of the Non-financial Group Report and were subject to a separate limited assurance examination.