Attendance of Meetings, Training Activities, No Conflicts of Interest
All members of the Supervisory Board attended eight of the ten Supervisory Board meetings and conference calls in 2022. Mrs. Forst was unable to attend two meetings due to illness. All of the other members of the Supervisory Board attended all meetings.
The seven meetings of the Audit Committee in 2022 were attended by all members, Dr. Michelberger, Mr. Wilhelms and Mr. López Borrego. Dr. Michelberger chaired the Audit Committee until August 31, 2022, and Mr. Wilhelms chaired the committee as of September 1, 2022. One of the Audit Committee meetings was held in presence in Maintal, three were held as video-only conferences, two were attended by one member of the committee and one meeting was attended by two members of the committee via video conference.
The four regular meetings of the General and Nomination Committee in 2022 were each attended by all members, Mr. Hauptmann (Chairman), Mrs. Schulte and Dr. Michelberger. These meetings were video conferences in each case. In addition, the committee had six appointments with personnel consultants and candidates for the Management Board and Supervisory Board, each of which was followed by committee meetings. Two of these appointments were held virtually and four as face-to-face meetings. In each case, all three members of the committee took part.
Likewise, all members of the Strategy Committee, Mrs. Forst (Chairwoman), Mr. Wilhelms and Mrs. Schulte, attended the two meetings of the Strategy Committee in 2022. Two members participated in each of the meetings via video conference, while one member was on site in Maintal.
The Supervisory Board’s training and continuing education measures in 2022 focused on changed regulatory conditions. In addition, the members of the Supervisory Board attended seminars held by auditing firms and law firms on accounting and auditing, as well as sustainability and corporate governance topics.
A conflict of interest temporarily arose between a member of the Supervisory Board and the company in fiscal year 2022 in connection with the decision not to pursue the acquisition of another company. The member in question also worked for the target company, therefore he did not take part in any consultations or resolutions on this matter during the period of the conflict of interest, nor did he receive any information on the matter.
These contents are part of the Non-financial Group Report and were subject to a separate limited assurance examination.